Your one stop revolving wardrobe suitable for any event. Not just First Dates...
Select from hundreds of gorgeous pieces from designers located anywhere from here in the beautiful New Zealand to around the globe! Delivered right to your doorstep, all the while supporting a sustainable approach to fashion.
We are proud to have completed over 18,000 garment rentals during our 6 years in business, 1750+ try on sessions and been apart of endless special events.

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A message from us -
“We want our customers to know we take renting seriously! Throughout the last 6 years we have developed and refined our operational procedures to ensure renting with us is as efficient, effective & reliable as possible. Renting is circular, and so is dependent on us & our customers. It is our job however to support our customers in helping us provide a reliable and excellent service.
We have a dedicated account manager with NZPost who follows up on our parcels. We utilise automatic calendar safety nets which allow us to space out rentals appropriately to account for postage & cleaning. Our system sends automatic reminders on return dates. We also use dated return cards & return instruction stickers on our return bags to help ensure returns are made correctly.

Browse through hundreds of gorgeous pieces, fit for all kinds of events.
Minis for parties... Gowns for balls.. Festival wear... & more!